BLACK LEGEND 2 : New Listing for Sale

BLACK LEGEND 2 : New Listing for Sale

BGYB is pleased to announce the addition of a new sailing yacht to our Sales Fleet. The Black Pepper Code 1, named BLACK LEGEND 2, is now available for sale at the asking price of 395 000 euros.

November 16, 2020

Stunning Performances

This beautiful 40 feet sailing yacht, built entirely of carbon, was designed in the characteristic Black Pepper® style. She is an exceptional vessel, offering all the necessary elements to ensure pure pleasure: elegance, technology choices, ergonomics, design, materials, comfort and stunning performances. Ideal for a weekend or more spent sailing, she is sure to satisfy any sailor's requirements. Her contemporary aesthetic promises a comfortable getaway. Please visit her page to find out more.

BLACK LEGEND 2 : New Listing for Sale
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