CHAMPAGNE HIPPY: Latest Addition to the BGYB Fleet

CHAMPAGNE HIPPY: Latest Addition to the BGYB Fleet

BGYB is delighted to announce that the Oyster 825 CHAMPAGNE HIPPY has joined our central agency fleet of yachts available for charter! She was launched in 2014 by Oyster Marine Yachts and has just undergone an extensive refit in June 2023. She is available for Mediterranean and Caribbean cruises!

October 9, 2023


CHAMPAGNE HIPPY boasts a majestic 25-meter profile celebrated for her graceful performance, modern design, unwavering safety, and opulent onboard features. Built with a GRP hull and superstructure, this Oyster 825 is a powerful sailing yacht capable of covering up to 250 nautical miles per day on long cruising trips. Her teak deck welcomes guests on board, providing a space for admiring panoramic views of the charter destination, dining outdoors, and socialising with the other guests on board. Below deck, this yacht features a light-filled, full-width saloon enhanced by the side-sliding glass companionway. She has a luxurious 4 double cabin layout and has separate quarters for the 3 crew members.

CHAMPAGNE HIPPY: Latest Addition to the BGYB Fleet

Charter Rates

High season: 39 000 EUR / week + VAT + APA

Low season: 35 000 EUR / week + VAT + APA


Available in the Caribbean this winter!

Explore our suggested itineraries for this destination here: 

British Virgin Islands | Grenadines Islands | Antigua & Barbuda | Saint Martin & Saint Barth


Look at the webpage CHAMPAGNE HIPPY for more information


    Length : 25.15 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : •  Refitted in 2023 with upgraded systems and modern interiors•  3 ensuite cabins for up to 6 guests (option for 7 or 8 guests in an...

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