Charter CHAMPAGNE HIPPY in Norway this summer!

Charter CHAMPAGNE HIPPY in Norway this summer!

BGYB is delighted to offer CHAMPAGNE HIPPY in Norway! Found within the stunning landscapes of Scandinavia, Norway’s extensive 83 000 km + coastline is truly captivating, offering a unique blend of natural wonders, cultural richness, and maritime adventures.

March 19, 2024

Cruising around Norway

Treat yourself to an unforgettable exploration of Norway aboard a luxury yacht. Cruising these waters offers you the unique chance to experience sailing in the fjords. This popular archipelago is beloved by tourists thanks to its untamed landscapes and its ideal positioning to witness the Midnight Sun in summer. Take advantage of the many spectacular stopovers and discover the quaint beauty of the Norwegian shoreline villages. Larger regions like Bergen are also unmissable – a UNESCO World Heritage City and a European City of Culture that has the ideal combination of nature, culture, and exciting urban life all year around.

Charter CHAMPAGNE HIPPY in Norway this summer!

Charter the Osyter 835 CHAMPAGNE HIPPY in this incredible destination !

Charter Rates Low Season :

For up to 6 guests: 27 000 EUR / week + VAT + APA

For up to 8 guests: 35 000 euros / week + VAT + APA


Charter Rates High Season :

For up to 6 guests : 30 000 euros per week + VAT + APA

For up to 8 guests : 38 000 euros per week + VAT + APA


Look at the webpage CHAMPAGNE HIPPY for more information


To read about this destination's must-sees and suggested itineraries, visit Norway's Destination Page


    Length : 25.15 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : •  Refitted in 2023 with upgraded systems and modern interiors•  3 ensuite cabins for up to 6 guests (option for 7 or 8 guests in an...

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