Discover Croatia with MELARNIE

Discover Croatia with MELARNIE

Lagoon 620 catamaran MELARNIE is available for charter in Croatia this summer.

January 20, 2021

Innovative and Modern Catamaran

Built in 2017, the catamaran MELARNIE is a modern and stylish yacht, with lots of light and airy spaces which are perfect for relaxing. She is based at Marina Pirovac, about an hour and 15 minutes from Split, and the perfect place to start your Croatian adventure. Charter MELARNIE and discover local national parks, go diving in the Adriatic Sea, and go hiking for incredible views across this beautiful country.

Discover Croatia with MELARNIE

Charter Rates:

July and August : 29 500 EUR / week + VAT + APA

June and September : 27 500 EUR / week + VAT + APA

Other Months : 24 000 EUR / week + VAT + APA


Discover our suggested charter itinerary for Croatia by clicking here, and find out more about MELARNIE by clicking on her page below:

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