DOUCE FRANCE: Relocation

DOUCE FRANCE: Relocation

BGYB is pleased to announce that the catamaran DOUCE FRANCE is now located in La Ciotat in Provence, France, and has been through a major refit!

October 7, 2022

A luxurious catamaran

The perfect charter yacht featuring high standards of service and a professional crew, DOUCE FRANCE is the largest schooner sailing catamaran in the world. While featuring elegance on the water, she also provides spaciousness and intimacy to her guests on board. DOUCE FRANCE offers sunbathing areas and trampolines on deck for the ideal afternoon under the Mediterranean sun. Each of her six staterooms are air conditioned and decorated beautifully to give a luxurious ambience for all on board. With convertible rooms available, DOUCE FRANCE is adaptable to many groups of charter clients.

DOUCE FRANCE: Relocation

To find out more about BGYB's sailing yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here : Mulithull Yachts

Please visit DOUCE FRANCE's page should you wish to know more about this Two Masted Catamaran Schooner

Or go to our Current News page !


    Length : 42.2 m / Passengers : 12

    Special features : - Largest schooner sailing catamaran in the world- Great Deck Space- Diving Facilities on Board- Exclusive Locations- Worldwide Experienced Crew- Captain...

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