HEARTBEAT OF LIFE: New listing for Sale

HEARTBEAT OF LIFE: New listing for Sale

BGYB is pleased to announce the addition of the Motor Yacht HEARBEAT OF LIFE to our Sales Fleet. She is available for sale for 1,100,000 euros.

July 7, 2020

Beautiful HEARBEAT OF LIFE for sale

The Aluminum Yacht Motor HEARBEAT OF LIFE was built in 1989 by the famous Dutch shipyard Heesen, she was completely refitted in 2008 by the famous Dutch shipyard Moonen. This ship can accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 different cabins: 1 spacious Master cabin, 1 cabin with a double bed, 1 cabin with twin beds and pullman, and 1 single bed cabin for a child.

HEARTBEAT OF LIFE: New listing for Sale

    Length : 28.2 m / Passengers : 7

    Special features : - Low consumption: 100 L per hour at 9 knots- Bureau Veritas Certified & Maltese Commercial Flag- Proven to be a safe, economical, comfortable and...

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