LA LOÉVIE : Available for Viewings at the ECPY Open Day on 13 June 2024

LA LOÉVIE : Available for Viewings at the ECPY Open Day on 13 June 2024

BGYB is pleased to announce that the Swan 76 sailing yacht LA LOÉVIE will be on display at the ECPY Open Day on June 13th in Nice. This event provides an excellent opportunity for brokers to tour the yacht and meet the crew, ensuring they can cater to their esteemed clients' needs!

June 10, 2024

LA LOÉVIE : New to the Market

New to the charter market and refitted in 2024, LA LOÉVIE is a masterpiece of maritime engineering and luxurious living. Available both for cruising and racing, this 23.20 metre sailboat merges the thrill of racing with the comfort of opulent living. The lavish interior of LA LOÉVIE features 3 ensuite cabins for up to 6 guests. With the addition of a dedicated professional crew of 3, guests aboard LA LOÉVIE can expect to be pampered and attended to with impeccable service throughout their charter.

LA LOÉVIE : Available for Viewings at the ECPY Open Day on 13 June 2024

Available for Viewings at the ECPY Open Day on 13 June 2024

The ECPY Open Day is a unique event that takes place on the magnificent French Riviera, allowing brokers and other yachting professionals  to meet and find the best yachts to offer their clients. It is thus the perfect chance for brokers to view LA LOÉVIE in person and meet the crew!  For clients that are interested, we can arrange a video viewing via WhatsApp. 


    Length : 23.2 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : - All-carbon construction for speed and high-performance.- Three cabins, all with en suite bathrooms.- Qualified long-standing crew with expert local knowledge.-...

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