Luxury yachts available this winter in the Caribbean

Luxury yachts available this winter in the Caribbean

BGYB is delighted to inform you that five yachts from our fleet will be available for charter in the Caribbean this winter. Don't miss out on a unique opportunity to experience a stay aboard a high-performance sailing yacht or catamaran in some of the world's most beautiful islands.

October 11, 2023

Relax in the Caribbean this winter

Made up of over 700 individual islands, the Caribbean is as rich in cultural diversity as in its famed paradisical beaches. With perfect white sand stretching for miles and crystal-clear waters filled with marine life, these islands offer a true escape from wintery weather. Explore paradise along the breathtaking island trail of the Caribbean!

Luxury yachts available this winter in the Caribbean

Yachts available in the Caribbean

Swan 108 FANCY

Guests : 9 - Cabins : 4 - Crew : 5

Availabilities :
- 10 to 22 December : Antigua 
- 6 January to15 February : Grenadines or St Martin 
- 25 February to15 March : St Martin or Ste Lucie
- 25 March to 24 April : Grenadines

Sunreef Eco 80 APOLLO 99

Guests : 8 - Cabins : 4 - Crew : 4

Availabilities :
- From 10 February onward


Alloy 105 IRELANDA

Guests : 6 - Cabins : 3 - Crew : 4

Availabilities :
- 13-17 January : Antigua or St Marteen
- From 10 February to 21 March : Grenadines, Antigua or St Marteen



Guests : 8 - Cabins : 4 - Crew : 3

Availabilities :
- From 7 January


Ipanema 58 Catamaran ARAOK

Guests : 6 - Cabins : 3 - Crew : 3


Explore our itinerary suggestions here


    Length : 25.15 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : •  Refitted in 2023 with upgraded systems and modern interiors•  3 ensuite cabins for up to 6 guests (option for 7 or 8 guests in an...


    Length : 32.92 m / Passengers : 9

    Special features : - Latest high-performance yacht from the iconic Nautor Swan shipyard- Large central cockpit and sunbathing area - Impressive 11m² swim platform-...


    Length : 31.95 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : - Elegant and sophisticated, with classy mahogany interiors- Wide beam and high volume with a vast centre cockpit, large deckhouse and voluminous main...


    Length : 17.8 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : - Modern build, flagship catamaran constructed in 2018- Unrivalled living space thanks to an intelligent design- Competent, experience and accommodating...

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