It is the largest international trade fair for real estate professionals. MIPIM brings together the most influential players across a range of diverse real estate sectors, offering privileged access to the largest real estate development projects.

Date: 11 - 14 March 2025

Location: Cannes, France

March 6, 2020

The world's leading real estate market event

For over 30 years, MIPIM has brought together stakeholders from across the industry's sectors (investors, developers, architects, etc.) thereby offering exclusive networking access to a large number of real estate development projects. MIPIM is a prime opportunity for professionals wishing to extend their network, attend field-specific conferences or discover new ventures and opportunities. The event provides a unique networking and exhibition platform to create deals, with hundreds of delegates from both European countries and worldwide.


Each year, BGYB has a fleet of yachts available for charter for the MIPIM event, knowing how the spectacular view of the Palais de festival from the water is highly appreciated by our clientele. Please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form below to receive a selection of available yachts according to your wishes for this event.

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info@bernard-gallay.com — +33 467 66 39 93

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