Motor Yacht HALKIN for sale

Motor Yacht HALKIN for sale

BGYB is glad to announce that we have recently added the HALKIN Motor boat that is available for sale. HALKIN is displayed at the price of 490.000 EUR.

July 27, 2018

HALKIN : Motor Yacht for sale

This motor yacht, built in 1999, is the ideal boat for those looking for a mixture of sun and sea, fun for the whole family. Having 3 cabins she is able to welcome 6 guests onboard. This Mangusta 72 is ready to cruise with her new owner. HALKIN is displayed at the price of 430.000 EUR.

Motor Yacht HALKIN for sale

To find out more about BGYB's yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here: Motor Yachts

Please visit HALKINS's page should you wish to know more about this Mangusta 72.

Or go to our Current News page !

Published : July 27th 2018


    Length : 21.56 m / Passengers : 6

    Special features : - Refit 2023/24: Port engine rebuilt, brand-new teak deck.- Exceptional performance: 28-30 knots cruising speed, 37 knots max.- Sheltered cockpit with...

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