S/Cat Alegria 67 SEMPER FIDELIS: Special Offer

S/Cat Alegria 67 SEMPER FIDELIS: Special Offer

BGYB is delighted to communicate SEMPER FIDELIS' special offer! Accommodating up to six guests in three opulent cabins, each with air conditioning and Wi-Fi, she ensures luxurious conditions at sea. This 20.40m catamaran is available for charter this season in the West Mediterranean.

May 30, 2024

20.40m Luxury Catamaran SEMPER FIDELIS

Launched in 2022, SEMPER FIDELIS is a pristine 67 ft catamaran designed to offer unparalleled charter experiences. Guest accommodation comprises of a master suite with a double bed and ensuite bathroom, a VIP suite with similar amenities, and two additional cabins, each with a double bed and ensuite bathroom. Her airy saloon, designed with light tones and filled with natural light, has a serene atmosphere, plush sofas, and a juice bar. Unique in design, the kitchen is located in the Babord hull, enabling alfresco dining in the spacious aft cockpit that seats up to ten guests.

S/Cat Alegria 67 SEMPER FIDELIS: Special Offer

For leisure, SEMPER FIDELIS offers a range of activities including sunbathing nets, a heated jacuzzi, a cinema, and exciting water sports such as paddle boarding, wakeboarding, kayaking, snorkelling, and Seabobing. An external sound system, televisions, and overhead projector further enhance the onboard experience, allowing movie nights for guests’ delight!


Special Offer: 
10% discount on charter fees for all charters booked before 25 June 2024!
- 10 to 23 July
- From 10 Aug onwards
Mediterranean Charter Destinations:
French Riviera | Corsica | Naples & Amalfi Coast | Sicily | Sardinia


Visit the webpage SEMPER FIDELIS to read more

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