SPIRIT OF MALOUEN X: New sailing yacht available for sale!

SPIRIT OF MALOUEN X: New sailing yacht available for sale!

We are delighted to announce the recent addition of the sailing yacht SPIRIT OF MALOUEN X to our exclusive collection of yachts available for sale at BGYB. This exceptional yacht, built by the Wally Yachts shipyard, will amaze you on every expedition to the high seas. Available now!

August 1, 2024

SPIRIT OF MALOUEN X: Nautical elegance!

SPIRIT OF MALOUEN X is an elegant and refined yacht, designed to offer both performance and comfort at sea. This 32.55-metre yacht boasts a sleek composite hull and modern rigging for smooth, fast sailing. The spacious, light-filled interior has been tastefully fitted out with a blend of noble woods and contemporary finishes. She has three comfortable cabins, a well-equipped galley and a welcoming saloon, perfect for cruising in total serenity. The Spirit of Malouen X is the epitome of maritime luxury, offering an unforgettable sailing experience.

SPIRIT OF MALOUEN X: New sailing yacht available for sale!

To find out more about BGYB's sailing yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here: Sailing Yachts

Please visit SPIRIT OF MALOUEN X's page should you wish to know more about this sailing yacht.

Or go to our Current News page!


    Length : 32.55 m

    Special features : - First Wallycento, extended by 7 feet to maximize performance- Pre-preg carbon construction for an optimal weight-to-strength ratio- SOUTHERN SPAR high-modulus...

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