Sunreef 80 Eco APOLLO 99: New Greek Charter Licence

Sunreef 80 Eco APOLLO 99: New Greek Charter Licence

BGYB is thrilled to share the exciting news that the Sunreef 80 Eco APOLLO 99 has obtained her license to charter in Greece! This achievement opens up a realm of possibilities for discerning travellers seeking an unparalleled cruising experience in the heart of the Mediterranean...

May 29, 2024

Charter APOLLO 99 in Greece this Summer

APOLLO 99 stands as a testament to Sunreef Yachts' nautical ingenuity, boasting a generous length of 23.99 meters and a beam of 11.54 meters. This well-designed vessel accommodates up to 8 guests and exemplifies eco-conscious navigation practices. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, APOLLO 99 offers a customised experience, providing a range of décor options featuring eco-responsible materials. With a crew of 4 skilled professionals, APOLLO 99 ensures that guests receive unparalleled service and assistance throughout their cruise.

Sunreef 80 Eco APOLLO 99: New Greek Charter Licence

Having confirmed her licence to sail in Greek waters, APOLLO 99 is available for charters in Greece this summer.


Explore our suggested itineraries for her Greek destinations here : 

Greece - The Cyclades Islands | Greece – The Ionian Islands


Look at the webpage APOLLO 99 for more information

  • APOLLO 99

    Length : 23.87 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : •    Brand-new Sunreef catamaran launched in 2023•    Eco-responsible yacht with fully electric propulsion and solar panels•...

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