TOPAZE: Racing Yacht Sold by BGYB!

TOPAZE: Racing Yacht Sold by BGYB!

BGYB is pleased to announce the sale of the racing yacht TOPAZE! This Tempo 40, built in 2021 by Construction Navale Voisin, has found a new owner ready for great adventures at sea.

March 14, 2025

TOPAZE: Racing sailboat sold by BGYB!

The racing yacht TOPAZE, a Tempo 40 built in 2021 by Construction Navale Voisin, is a high-performance and versatile yacht. Its aluminum design and lifting keel provide the perfect balance of strength, lightness, and comfort. Measuring 12.19 meters in length, with well-thought-out accommodations, it can host up to 6 people for both thrilling and enjoyable sailing experiences. Today, we are delighted to announce that it has found a new owner through BGYB!

TOPAZE: Racing Yacht Sold by BGYB!

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