WHIMSY: New sailing yacht available for sale!

WHIMSY: New sailing yacht available for sale!

BGYB is delighted to announce the addition of the S/Y 78ft Performance Sloop WHIMSY to our fleet of yachts available for sale! This 28.65m sloop, designed by Philippe Briand and built in 2005 by Vaudrey Miller Yachts, is now available for sale, with an attractive price reduction.

January 22, 2025

WHIMSY: An Exceptional Opportunity!

The S/Y 78ft Performance Sloop WHIMSY joins the fleet of yachts available for sale at BGYB! This 28.65m sloop, designed by the famous architect Philippe Briand and built-in 2005 by Vaudrey Miller Yachts, offers a perfect balance between performance and comfort. Its refined design and sleek lines make it a yacht that is as elegant as it is powerful, ideal for those who love blue water sailing. In addition to her arrival on the market, WHIMSY benefits from a price reduction, making this opportunity even more attractive.

WHIMSY: New sailing yacht available for sale!

To find out more about BGYB's yachts for sale, please visit the dedicated page: Sailing Yacht

To find out more about this Performance Sloop, visit the WHIMSY page.

Or visit our news page!


    Length : 23.98 m

    Special features : - Air conditioning: 2 x CRUISER MTC 24- Watermaker: SEA RECOVERY SRC AWM - 250 L/h (~3,165 hours in 09/2024)- Tender: 3.50 m aluminium AB (Ø 51...

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