Why You Should Sail Around The World

Why You Should Sail Around The World

Everyone who has experienced sailing around the world agrees on one point: it is a life-changing experience. BGYB is therefore delighted to present this article on the joys of sailing!

April 26, 2022

The joys of Sailing

Obviously, this journey requires a lot of preparation and cannot be organized overnight. Talk about your project to your friends and relatives who have already sailed, listen to their advice, and get informed! Everyone has different experiences and two stories will never be the same, so quench this thirst for adventure!

Why You Should Sail Around The World

1 – No Time For Boredom

One might think what can you do on a sailing yacht in the middle of the sea, hundreds and hundreds of kilometres from the coast?Contrary to what one might imagine, there are so many things you can do on a boat: whether it is getting stuck in some sailing or lounging on deck, you will always be occupied, even if it’s being busy doing nothing!Enjoy your time by fishing, admiring the sun on the horizon, practicing your favourite hobbies, reading or trying out someyoga, ...

However, this experience isn’t always one that you do alone as this can be shared with a group of friends or your family making these moments feel even more special!

2 - Meeting New People

Even on the other side of the world, during your stopovers, friendships are everywhere: you might meet people who will feel important in your life later on! It is a great opportunity to develop your personal values: open your mind to new cultures, share and learn from others...

You will also be part of a new community: the sailors!

3 -  Getting To Know You Better

You will face unexpected situations that will lead you to learn how to manage your stress and therefore gain a better sense of autonomy!

4 – Freedom

You’ll never be as free as in the middle of the sea. There will be no major time constraints or stress of the working day. You will be setting your own itinerary, your own breaks, so you’ll actually do what you want and enjoy a different perspective of life.

5 – Discover The Nooks And Crannies Of The World

Sailing allows you to reach places that are all very different from each other: from remote coves to the northern seas, you can enjoy the turquoise waters as much as the northern lights by combining several destinations in one trip! This is the advantage: you can access  some places that are difficult to reach walking opening you to new perspectives and points of view.

6 – Sailing Is Good For Your Health!

Please feel free to read our previous article on the health benefits of navigation!

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