Yacht Viewings authorised in Spain

Yacht Viewings authorised in Spain

The Spanish Government announced this Monday that Spanish borders will reopen to foreign travellers from 1st of July, without any quarantine.

May 27, 2020

July 1st: Foreign travel permitted in Spain

This is some great news which we have been looking forward to : the reopening of Spanish borders to foreign travellers. Indeed with 11 yachts for sale in Spain and in Palma de Mallorca, it was impossible to organise visits onboard from March, the beginning of the pandemic. But now with the government go ahead, we are delighted to organise visits onboard our yachts in the near future. Please feel free to have a look at our beautiful sailing and motor yachts, and multihulls below which are available for sale.

Yacht Viewings authorised in Spain

Sailing Yachts :

- ELEONORA  - 162.5ft Van Der Graaf Classic Schooner
- AEGIR - 82ft Maxi Carbon Ocean
- BLUE DIAMOND - 100ft Bermudian Carbon Sloop 
- CANNONBALL - 72ft Maxi Botin Partners Racing Yacht
- HIGH SPIRIT - 65ft Racing Botin 
- ZURBAGAN - 90ft Garcia Fast Sailing Sloop 
- GIANNELLA II - 64ft Marconi Sangermani Yawl 

Motor Yachts :

- ALEXANDRIA - 108ft Commuter

Multihulls :

- OCEAN PEARL - 110ft MAxi Racing Catamaran Converted
- FRIENDS FOREVER - 55ft Sailing Catamaran

Photo Credit © Gilles Martin-Raget


    Length : 33 m / Passengers : 10

    Special features : - World cruiser- Low maintenance costs- Ideal for the charter market (crew quarters)


    Length : 20 m

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