YALA: New sailing yacht available for sale!

YALA: New sailing yacht available for sale!

BGYB is delighted to announce the arrival of the brand new YALA yacht, now available for sale! Built in 2010 by the ECAN shipyard, this yacht is ready to sail!

May 28, 2024

YALA: The Sea Race!

Constructed in an epoxy foam sandwich, DEAD POOL is a yacht of robustness and rigidity. Comfortable sailing in all weather conditions, she is ready to undertake a challenging sailing program. Winner of the transat Jacques Vabre 2021, Vintage ranking. She was upgraded to 2023 Class40 rules and achieved Les Sables – Les Açores – Les Sables Class40 Race in July 2023.

YALA: New sailing yacht available for sale!

To find out more about BGYB's yachts for sale, please visit the dedicated page: Racing boat

To find out more about this Class 40, visit the YALA page.

Or visit our news page!

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