YYachts Y9 VOLANTE: New Video Available

YYachts Y9 VOLANTE: New Video Available

BGYB is delighted to bring you a new video of the incredible Y9 VOLANTE! The Y9, created by the German shipyard, is a yacht that can be completely adapted to your preferences!

December 27, 2023

Y9 VOLANTE: Your custom-built yacht!

Discover the vision of your future marine paradise by taking a look at what your brand new yacht, the Y9 VOLANTE, could be like. Imagine yourself aboard this chic and elegant marvel, enjoying moments of unparalleled relaxation. What sets the Y9 apart is its total customisability, allowing you to create a truly unique experience. This 90-foot family yacht is the perfect blend of luxury and simplicity. Its design philosophy is clear: eliminate unnecessary superstructure to create a clean, minimalist environment. Sailing aboard the Y9 is a true pleasure, as she has been designed to be easy to manoeuvre while offering an unrivalled sailing experience.

YYachts Y9 VOLANTE: New Video Available

Visit the Y9's page to see the video!

Please do not hesitate to contact the representative, François Boucher, should you require any further information : 

Mobile : +33 (0)6 82 83 19 21

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