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Press Publications

BGYB and its yachts regularly appear in the international press. You will find here our latest press publications.


Why You Should Choose BGYB?

The BGYB team is delighted to present our brand new PDF designed especially for you. This detailed document explains in detail why you should choose BGYB as your central agent for yacht sales and charter, as well as your broker when buying a yacht or...

Our press publication archive

As a key player in the yachting industry, BGYB invite you to cast an eye at some of the magazine, newspaper and online publications concerning the yachts we have represented, our company’s successes and our collaborators’ work.

  • 4th September 2012 BGYB Press Article Le Figaro

    Founded in 1826, the french newspaper Le Figaro is one of the oldest newspapers in the world. Today, this daily newspaper tends to focus, though not exclusively, on the economy and politics, both in France and internationally.

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