CNB 64 VAINATO : New Yacht For Sale !

CNB 64 VAINATO : New Yacht For Sale !

In this month of March 2023, BGYB is delighted to announce that the CNB 64 VAINATO (ex-GRAND CRU) joins our sailing yachts fleet in Central Agency!

March 22, 2023

A Well Known Elegance

After a big refit in 2011, VAINATO (ex-Grand Cru) set out on a transatlantic voyage. With her good performance under sails, this CNB 64 is also ideal to get closer to the coast thanks to her reduced draft. Thus, you can enjoy all types of landscapes while being onboard a prestigious sailing yacht: her polished wood interior has been very well maintained. With her four cabins, including one dedicated to the crew and her living spaces, VAINATO is a very welcoming yacht.

CNB 64 VAINATO : New Yacht For Sale !

To find out more about BGYB's sailing yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here : Sailing Yachts

Please visit VAINATO's page should you wish to know more about this CNB 64.

Or go to our Current News page!


    Length : 19.51 m / Passengers : 8

    Special features : - Refit 2024: New hull paint, new black water tanks- High-performance rigging with electric furlers- Spacious aft cockpit and cockpit table protected by...

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