CYRENE: Available for sale!

CYRENE: Available for sale!

BGYB is delighted to announce the recent addition of the sailing yacht CYRENE to our range of yachts available for sale. This authentic sailing yacht, designed by the Pichavant shipyard in 1968, is ready to welcome you aboard. Currently available for 115,000 EUR!

December 22, 2023

CYRENE: Sailing towards Adventure!

Built and maintained for many years at the Pichavant yard, it was the Guip yard that carried out a major refit of the hull and deck 20 years ago. Since then, CYRENE has been seriously and assiduously maintained by its current owner for 25 years. Equipped with a retractable centreboard, this keelboat provides easy access to the most remote anchorages without compromising its sailing capabilities. The boat has already sailed around the world: that just goes to show its solidity and the quality of its construction, which you'll appreciate wherever you go. This very attractive Cornu yawl-rigged design is a rare boat. Don't miss this unique opportunity to acquire Cyrene. Join us on board!

CYRENE: Available for sale!

To find out more about BGYB's sailing yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here: Sailing yachts

Please visit CYRENE's page should you wish to know more about this Yawl.

Or go to our Current News page!

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