GIANNELLA II : Price Reduction

GIANNELLA II : Price Reduction

BGYB is delighted to announce an important price reduction for the YAWL MARCONI SANGERMANI 64 sailboat GIANNELLA II. She is now offered at 495,000€ (previous price: 750,000€).

October 4, 2021

The ideal classic sailboat

GIANNELLA II is the perfect classic sailboat for family cruises, in absolute comfort. She had several successes as he won several regattas including Les Voiliers de St Tropez and "Conde de Barcelona". Rigged in yawl and almost 20 meters long. GIANNELLA II is easy to maneuver and has a warm interior. The plans were drawn by the famous French architect, Eugène CORNU. As for the sailboat, it was built by the Sangermani shipyard, considered one of the best shipyards in Europe for the construction of wooden sailboats. All this work of the shipyard and the architect has produced a magnificent classic sailboat.

GIANNELLA II : Price Reduction

To find out more about BGYB's sailing yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here : Classic.

Please visit GIANNELLA II's page should you wish to know more about this beautiful aluminum JFA/Vitters 82.

Or go to our Current News page !

Published: 4th October 2021

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