IDRA : New yacht for sale at BGYB

IDRA : New yacht for sale at BGYB

BGYB is delighted to announce the sale of the sailing yacht IDRA, built by the Hanse shipyard. This 14m yacht designed by Judel Vrolijk & Co is priced at €190,000.

October 17, 2024

IDRA: Freedom and Adventure!

IDRA is a very comfortable sailing sloop for family cruising. Also very easy to handle (bow thruster, electric winches, lazy bag, electric bathing platform, etc.) She has excellent performance under sail, from up to downwind. She participates in cruising races such as the Voiles de St Tropez every year.

IDRA : New yacht for sale at BGYB
  • IDRA

    Length : 14.31 m

    Special features : - GRP Epoxy construction + teak deck (refit 2024)- Electric winches & bow thruster- 3 spacious cabins with recent bedding- High-performance cruising...

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