INTI CUBE: New sailing yacht available for sale!

INTI CUBE: New sailing yacht available for sale!

We are delighted to announce the recent addition of the sailing yacht INTI CUBE to our exclusive collection of yachts available for sale at BGYB. This exceptional yacht, built by the Wally Yachts shipyard, will amaze you with every expedition on the high seas. Available now for sale!

August 27, 2024

INTI CUBE: Nautical Elegance Reinvented!

Built in 2005 with revolutionary technology and refitted in 2017, INTI CUBE has been impeccably maintained and recently upgraded with a brand new engine and generator during the winter of 2023/2024 as well as all rigging and mast checked and new instruments by B&G. Designed for optimum performance with a lightweight displacement structure, INTI CUBE is an unrivalled lightweight cruising and racing yacht. Accommodating up to 6 guests in 3 luxurious cabins and benefiting from many recent technical improvements, INTI CUBE is ready to take to the sea.

INTI CUBE: New sailing yacht available for sale!

To find out more about BGYB's sailing yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here: Sailing Yachts

Please visit INTI CUBE's page should you wish to know more about this sailing yacht.

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