MARGARET ANN : Available from late August

MARGARET ANN : Available from late August

BGYB is pleased to inform you that 96' sailing yacht MARGARET ANN is available for charter from late August in Italy

August 17, 2020

Available in Italy

MARGARET ANN is a 95.5 foot sailing yacht with three passenger cabins, a starboard cabin, a port cabin and a master cabin. She is capable of comfortably sleeping up to 12 passengers as well as the crew. This yacht is in pristine condition. It has a full complement of electronics and equipment for cruising globally in luxury and absolute comfort.

MARGARET ANN : Available from late August

Available from Late August

MARGARET ANN is available for charter after the 20th of August

Embarkation in Italy or Sardinia
Weekly Charter Rate (High season): 40 000 EUR + VAT + APA
Weekly Charter Rate (Low season): 37 000 EUR + VAT + APA
(Reduced VAT applicable if the itinerary includes a crossing in international waters) 

Discover more about MARGARET ANN by clicking on her file below!

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