New Construction Y Yachts: Y8 Custom

New Construction Y Yachts: Y8 Custom

Y Yachts, a renowned German shipyard, is specialised in high-end yachts and is currently announcing the construction of a custom unit based on one of their best sellers, the Y8.

May 23, 2023

Y8 Sailing Yacht : Custom Construction

The German sailing yacht shipyard, with a global reputation, has once again shown that their yachts are made to resemble their (future) owners: based on the Y8 model in their range, the shipyard collaborated with a former experienced navigator who wanted to completely customise his future yacht. The project is now underway and the boat is expected to be delivered in a few months, January 2024.

New Construction Y Yachts: Y8 Custom

Interested in the Y8 Custom? 
Contact our representatives and get started on this project! 

François Boucher
Phone : +33 (0) 682 83 19 21
Anissa Garni
Phone : +33 (0) 467 66 39 93

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