Oscar Relier joins the BGYB team

Oscar Relier joins the BGYB team

BGYB is delighted to announce the integration of a new member to the team. Oscar Relier joins BGYB as the Private Banks & Family Offices Relationship Manager.

December 13, 2021

Oscar Relier joins the BGYB team

Oscar Relier joins the Bernard Gallay Yacht Brokerage Team. As a sailor since his early youth, he brings to BGYB his experience with financiers, private banks and family offices. Based between Paris and Switzerland, his international background supports the development of BGYB's activities with its international clients and partners. He is available for answering your questions and designing a tailor made financing solution for the acquisition of your yacht.

Oscar Relier joins the BGYB team

To find out more about BGYB's team, please go to the dedicated page here: About us

Go to our Current News page !

Published: 13th December 2021

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