REGINA : Price reduction

REGINA : Price reduction

BGYB is pleased to announce a price reduction for the sailing yacht REGINA. The new price reduction is €1,690,000. Don't hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit on board !

January 9, 2024

Live the experience aboard the sailing yacht

REGINA was built for a very experienced sailor and designed by the talented Doug Peterson. She was built to a very high specification by the Solaris yard in Italy. She has been fully commissioned and is ready for worldwide short-handed cruising. REGINA has a raised saloon with 360° panoramic views through triple glazed windows.

REGINA : Price reduction

This is a fast and very reliable cruising boat. Hydraulic furling mainsails and headsails. Incredible performance under sail and long range under engine.

Large storage capacity and refrigeration system. New active air handling system combined with air conditioning and heating. Hydraulic folding bathing platform. Back-up systems for major installations.

Only the best materials have been used. Innovative acoustic and thermal insulation. REGINA is a very safe and robust yacht, ready for her next adventure.

To find out more about the yachts for sale at BGYB, visit the dedicated page: Sailing Boats

Visit the REGINA page for more information on this yacht.

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