Events  Charters

Events Charters

BGYB’s charter fleet is available during worldwide events, allowing for a unique experience with the perfect view.

  • May 3, 2023 June 19, 2023

    Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

    Celebrating creativity since 1954, Cannes Lions is the biggest global festival and awards for marketing and creative communications, tech, entertainment, and design industries. Originally estbalished as the International Advertising Awards, the festival has evolved each year, now including talks from...

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  • March 10, 2020 October 16, 2023


    MIPCOM is the most highly anticipated television trade fair of the year, also attracting attendees from other forms of audiovisual distribution. Each year, more than 13,000 participants attend including a number of personalities from the television and film industry. The event's global scope is reflected...

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  • March 10, 2020 May 28, 2023

    Monaco Grand Prix

    The popularity and prestige of this event means access is oversubscribed and limited. To help you get the very best out of your Grand Prix experience, we offer a selection of the finest yachts as an exclusive form of accommodation for the event, selecting the one that is best suited to you (sailing or...

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  • March 6, 2020 March 14, 2023


    For over 30 years, MIPIM has brought together stakeholders from across the industry's sectors (investors, developers, architects, etc.) thereby offering exclusive networking access to a large number of real estate development projects. MIPIM is a prime opportunity for professionals wishing to extend...

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