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Yacht for sale


Built and launched by Artech do Brasil in June 2005, GALILEO, as she was known, was built for South American Walter Antunes. She came from the drawing board of highly successful boat designer Angelo Lavranos and was created primarily as an all-purpose boat. Construction is in wet-preg / post-cured carbon / Nomex to High Modulus specifications, making GALILEO one of the strongest boats on the market. 

In addition to the swing keel, GALILEO carries water ballast in four tanks per side that can be filled and emptied in three minutes using large and retractable venturi-type scoops. GALILEO became MAISONNEUVE in 2006. Under the guidance of French sailor Jean Baptiste Dejeanty, she had the goal of participating in the 2008 Vendee Globe. Crippled with electronical issues, Jean Baptiste retired from the legendary race near the Kerguelen Island. From 2010 to 2016, MAISONNEUVE took on the new name of SENSATION OCEAN and offered sailing experiences to customers under the umbrella of French Sailor super star Alain Gauthier. SENSATION OCEAN then became FORESIGHT NATURAL ENERGY when Kiwi Skipper, Conrad Colman purchased the yacht in January 2016 with the ambition to take part in the Vendee Globe 2016. 

Conrad Colman used an electrical engine and became the first skipper to complete the legendary race without using fossil fuel energy. A few days before the finish, Conrad was in 10th  place when  disaster struck. FORESIGHT NATURAL ENERGY lost her mast and thanks to a great sense of ingenuity, Conrad managed to build a jury rig and finish the Vendee Globe in 16th position. The yacht is immediately moved on land in March 2017 and stayed idle until June 2020, when Sébastien Destremeau name her MERCI en route to his second consecutive Vendee Globe. North of the Kerguelens, the boat suffers a series of breakdowns forcing the skipper to retire and arrived in New Zealand on 20th January 2020. The source of the multiple breakdowns was identified and fixed in in New Zealand. One roller was missing in every rudder bearing, causing extra loads in the steering and autopilot system. 

Once replaced, the yacht will never have any other problems. After a long trip back to France late 2021/early 2022, MERCI is now based in Toulon and is ready to sail-away on new adventures including her next Vendee Globe. 

Do not hesitate to contact us to receive her specification.

Model Imoca 60 Year built 2010 Builder Galileo Boat Yard Architect Angelo Lavranos Length 18,30 m Beam 5,25 m Draft 4,50 m Displacement 0,00 t Construction Carbone / Nomex / High Density foam
Fuel capacity 200 l Flag French

News & publications

  • Imoca 60 MERCI : Price Reduction !
    April 4, 2023

    Imoca 60 MERCI : Price Reduction !

    MERCI is a sailing yacht that no longer needs to prove herself: with three participations in the legendary Vendée Globe race (in 2008, 2016 & 2020), this IMOCA 60 is now ready to compete in the 2024 edition! Her carbon and Nomex construction makes MERCI one of the strongest boats...

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