Sailing Yacht : Classic 8 M JI SILK Racing  Program

Sailing Yacht : Classic 8 M JI SILK Racing Program

SILK will be based in South Brittany during 2024 and she will take part at several classic regattas such as the Centenary 1924 Olympic Games Regatta in Lorient, the Rendez-Vous de la Belle Plaisance in Benodet, the Voiles Classiques in La Trinité sur Mer, and Noirmoutier Classic in August.

January 16, 2024

Classic regatta sailing yacht

The SILK is an outstanding example of French expertise in competitive yacht building. Her victory in the Royal Regattas in 1949 and the Micros in 1951 testifies to her exceptional performance in prestigious races. Meticulous restoration based on original plans from the Musée de la Marine in Paris has preserved her authenticity and historic charm. This yacht offers a unique opportunity to relive the era of classic sailing yachts, and to take part in competitions that celebrate maritime tradition.

Sailing Yacht : Classic 8 M JI SILK Racing  Program

Sailing enthusiasts and lovers of maritime history will find SILK a true collector's item, ready to sail and continue shining on the waters at future regattas and nautical events. Her careful preservation ensures that she will remain a classic sailing jewel for generations to come.


To find out more about the yachts for sale at BGYB, visit the dedicated page: Classic Sailing Boats

Visit the SILK page for more information about this boat for sale.

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