SILK : Now Relaunched

SILK : Now Relaunched

SILK is a sailing yacht full of charm : maintained with great care, she is one of the rare 8 MJIs remaining on the market. She proved her abilities in recent years and was relaunched following work onboard in early 2023. SILK is now ready to compete in new regattas.

June 5, 2023

SILK : Classic Regatta Sailing Yacht

Built more than half a century ago in the Chiesa shipyard in Cannes according to her original plans, SILK hasn't run out of steam since. She was a winner of royal regattas in 1949, micro regattas in 1951, and has managed to maintain a worthy performance since. Recently refitted, this magnificent 8 MJI was relaunched in Lorient and is now in perfect condition for regattas in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in the south of Brittany where she is currently located.

SILK : Now Relaunched

To find out more about BGYB's sailing yachts for sale, please go to the dedicated page here: Sailing yachts

Please visit SILK's page should you wish to know more about this 8 MJI.

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